The second DPAN symposium will happen on Thu Jan 30th 2025, in Amsterdam. The symposium will include an array of presentations from researchers in our field, including a keynote presentation by Prof. Sanne Abeln (Utrecht University).
The event will take place at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam. An overview of the program and directions to the location are included in the DPAN symposium booklet, available here.
Symposium program
Downloadable symposium flyer with the program.
10:00 – 10:30 Registration & coffee
10:30 – 10:45 Introduction by organizers
10:45 – 11:35 Molecular mechanisms regulating protein aggregation
Ellen Nollen (UMCG) Biological Mechanisms Driving Age-related Protein Aggregation and Toxicity
+ selected speakers from abstracts
11:35 – 12:25 Structures of protein aggregates
Patrick van der Wel (RUG) Structures of fibrils in Huntington’s Disease
+ selected speakers
12:25 – 13:30 Lunch break
13:00 – 14:30 Posters
14:30 – 15:15 Keynote speaker Sanne Abeln (UU)
The role of Artificial intelligence in understanding protein aggregation diseases
15:15 – 15:45 Coffee break
15:45 – 16:35 Therapeutic strategies targeting protein aggregation
Nicole Datson (Vico Therapeutics) ASO therapy development and clinical trial
+ selected talks
16:35 – 17:05 Patient organization
Ingrid de Groot Myositis patient organization of the Spierziekten Nederland (sIBM)
17:05 – 17:15 Closing remarks
17:15 – 21:00 Closing Drinks / Dinner
Symposium location
The symposium was held in the auditorium of the O|2 building at the VU Amsterdam.
The venue is a 15 minutes walk from train station Amsterdam Zuid, right next to tram/bus stop “VUmc”, and close to parking garages “P2 VUmc” and “P3 VU Campus. Address: De Boelelaan 1108, 1081HZ Amsterdam. Google maps.
We thank our sponsors of the 2025 DPAN symposium: NWO, alzheimer Nederland, ibidi, Jasco, parkinsonNL, photothermal spectroscopy corp, proteintech, STinstruments, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Vereniging van Huntington.