Welcome on the website of the Dutch Protein Aggregation Network (DPAN), which aims to bring together scientists working in the Netherlands on research into protein aggregation, in particular in context of human diseases. As a first step towards this aim, we organized an initial DPAN symposium in 2023. We are excited to announce that the registration for the 2nd DPAN symposium is now open; that event will be held on January 30th 2025 in Amsterdam. For information and registration instructions see this page.
The organizers behind this initiative all study disease-related protein aggregation, but take different experimental approaches to do so. One goal of the DPAN network will be to offer and support an interdisciplinary perspective, while also facilitating and encouraging future collaborations across the boundaries of disciplines and disease types.
- Ronald Buijsen, LUMC
- Vered Raz, LUMC
- Samantha Hughes, VU
- Steven Roeters, VUmc
- Aysegul Sapmaz, LUMC
- Patrick van der Wel, RUG